There are few things I love more than being in the kitchen with my mom. I try so hard to absorb as much information as possible so I can have my recipes turn out like hers. They never do. The beauty of this recipe is it's simplicity. She doesn't overwhelm it with all kinds of seasonings and extras (a bad habit of mine). So the lesson is, keep it simple and you'll be able to bring out the best flavors of your main ingredient. Simple. Lovely. Again, there aren't amounts on some of the ingredients because you should add an amount that you like. Make it your own!
- 1 leftover ham bone (ours is from Easter. Apparently ham keeps longer than regular meat because it's been cured. Makes sense but I didn't know that. Did you?)
- one 1lb bag of dried navy beans
- celery, chopped fine
- onion, chopped fine
- carrots, chopped fine
- bay leaves
- cornbread (to go on the side with your cucumber & vinegar salad) - these are my moms direct instructions. If you're making ham & bean soup, you clearly will be making cornbread to go with the cucumber & vinegar salad.
Rinse the beans & cover with water in the pan.
Put them on the stove, bring to a boil and skim off the froth. (or you could soak them overnight).
Reduce heat & add the ham.
Let them cook until the beans get soft (at least an hour).
Add chopped celery, carrots, onion, bay leaves & maybe some celery leaves for added flavor.
Simmer until the beans are completely tender and your family can't stay away from the pot anymore. Also, as my mom suggests, consider serving with cornbread, and a salad of cucumbers and vinegar. I love my mom :-)

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