I just made this up as I went along. Obviously you can follow the basics and totally make it your own.
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 large carrots, peeled & chopped
- 5 garlic cloves, minced
- olive oil
- flour
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 2 large red potatoes, skins on, cut into cubes
- some kind of beef, preferrably stew meat, but leftover chunks of chain meat is great too
- dried parsley
- beef stock/beef broth
- 1/2 cup pearl barley
Heat about 2tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat.
Roll onions, carrots & garlic around in some flour, then add to the pot. Stir to coat. Saute about 5 minutes so onions begin to soften.
Add meat. Stir to combine.
Add enough broth so that everything is covered by at least 2 inches of liquid.
Add can of tomatoes (juices and all), and bring to a gentle boil. Add potatoes and barley.
Cover, turn down heat to about medium, maybe medium-low.
Let simmer for about 40 minutes until potatoes and barley are fully cooked.
Salt & pepper to taste.
Other things you could add include:
- 1 tsp worchestershire sauce
- shredded cabbage, mushrooms, celery, etc.

(Hearty soup in the hands of my sick husband...)